They Might Be Giants - The Bloodmobile

Follow They Might Be Giants on Twitter! @tmbg
Youtube: They Might Be Giants - The Bloodmobile

Via Mediafire
Via Ziddu

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Download MP3 From Youtube



The Bloodmobile, the Bloodmobile
A delivery service inside us

We begin in the heart's right ventricle
And travel to the lungs
Red blood cells get oxygen
To take back to the heart

Then from the left side of the heart
And out to every cell
Delivered by the Bloodmobile

The food that's been digested
Is waiting at the dock
To be taken to the tissues
In the body's grocery truck

So from the small intestine
It's carried everywhere
Delivered by the Bloodmobile

The Bloodmobile, the Bloodmobile
A delivery service inside us

The white blood cells are soldiers
That fight infectious germs
They make the antibodies
Their weapons in the fight

The army is transported
Wherever they must go
Delivered by the Bloodmobile

We need to send a message
To tell a limb to grow
Or speed the heart or regulate
Your hunger or your sleep

The hormones are the message
They're sent from many glands
The messenger's the Bloodmobile

Somebody's got to haul out the trash
To the liver and the kidneys, it's not a pretty job
Carbon dioxide gets carried to the lungs to be exhaled
And the garbage truck is the Bloodmobile

The Bloodmobile, the Bloodmobile
A delivery service inside us

To carry oxygen, nutrients
Things that fight infections
Do the trash collection and deliver the mail
And we're all delivered by the Bloodmobile

They Might Be Giants - Why Does The Sun Shine?

Follow They Might Be Giants on Twitter! @tmbg
Youtube: They Might Be Giants - Why Does the Sun Shine?

Via Mediafire
Via Ziddu

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The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
A gigantic nuclear furnace
Where hydrogen is built into helium
At a temperature of millions of degrees

Yo ho, it's hot, the sun is not
A place where we could live
But here on earth thered be no life
Without the light it gives

We need it's light
We need it's heat
We need it's energy
Without the sun, without a doubt
Thered be no you and me

The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
A gigantic nuclear furnace
Where hydrogen is built into helium
At a temperature of millions of degrees

The sun is hot
The sun is so hot, that everything on it is a gas, copper, iron, aluminum on the surface of the sun are all gas

The sun is large
If the sun were hollow, a million earths could fit inside. and yet, the sun just the middle-sized star.

The sun is far away
It's about 93 million miles away, and that's why it looks so small.

And even when it's out of sight
The sun shines night and day

The sun gives light
The sun gives heat
The sunlight that we see
The sunlight comes from our own suns
Atomic energy

Scientists have found that the sun is a huge atom-smashing machine. the heat and light of the sun come from the nuclear reactions of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and helium

The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
A gigantic nuclear furnace
Where hydrogen is built into helium
At a temperature of millions of degrees

IDM 6.11 Build 7 ( Full Patch + Tutorial )

Download IDM + Patch
Via Mediafire
Via Ziddu

Tutorial Instal + Patch
1. Buka idman611
2. Lalu instal
3. Jika sudah selesai instal muncul tulisan "Internet Download Manager has been registered with a fake Serial Number or the Serial Number has been blocked. IDM is exiting..." close lalu cancel
4. Buka Patch di folder "Patch"
5. Pilih patch
6. Pilih targetnya klik "IDMan"
7. First name dan last name bisa ngasal, itu ga ngaruh
8. Jika sudah Successfully patched! Berarti sudah di patch IDMnya, enjoy download~


FPSe For Android V0.11.11 ( Tutorial Instal + Download )

FPSe for Android adalah emulator untuk bermain Playstation 1 di Android
Persyaratan Android OS: 2.1 Eclair +
Download FPSenya
Via Mediafire
Via Ziddu

Jika sudah
1. Klik FPSe nya
2. Instal
3. Selesai

Lalu download BIOSnya
Bisa di Search di Google Play "Any Emulator BIOS" Atau Klik ini

Jika sudah
1. Select your console pilih "Playstation 1 BIOS"
2. Klik "Browse" Pilih tujuan folder yang ingin di instal, instal di tempat FPSe nya tadi biar rapih.
3. Klik Generate BIOS Files
4. Selesai
5. Buka FPSenya
6. *Select BIOS to load...* Pilih SCPH1001.BIN yang ada di folder Playstation 1 Bios.
7. *Select ISO to load...* Download terlebih dahulu iso nya, bisa di cari di sini
Via Emuzone
Di google lebih banyak-,- tetapi banyak yang corrupt hati2 liat dulu bermutu apa kaga
Jika file yang di download berbentuk .rar / .zip. di extract dulu menggunakan Andro Zip, bisa di cari di Play Store dan FREE :D
 8. Kalau sudah mendownload ISOnya bisa langsung di mainkan~ shut up and enjoy the game!~ got a problem? just ask me



- Untuk memunculkan tombol ( Start, Select, R1, R2, L1, L2 ) ketika di landscape / miring
1. Buka FPSenya
2. Masuk ke game apa saja
3. Ke menu
4. Pilih setting
5. Pilih gamepad
6. Pilih overlay pad
7. Pilih set or unset buttons
8. Ceklis yang mau di tambahkan
9. Back, masuk ke Misc
10. Pilih save config as default
11. DONE

- Biar tidak mengalami lagging dalam bermain
1. Buka FPSenya
2. Masuk ke game apa saja
3. Ke menu
4. Pilih setting
5. Pilih system
6. Centang Boost Mode aja, yang lain jangan di centang
7. Back, masuk ke Video
8. Centang Framelimiter, Fastdraw, Force Landscape Orientation ( Agar automatis layarnya landscape / miring
9.Back, masuk ke Misc
10. Pilih save config as default
11. DONE

- Biar ga buang2 kuota pas download ISO di Android, downloadnya di laptop aja dulu ( mayoritas laptop sekarang ada apps bluetoothnya ). nanti di bluetooth ke hp nya:D


ePSXe 1.8 ( Tutorial + Download ) For PC

Akhirnya ePSXe 1.8 RELEASED pada tanggal 9 November, 2012

Perubahannya versi ini dengan versi sebelumnya:
1. Many fixes to the cd-rom decoder and core fixed almost 150 games
2. Improved input devices support
3. On the fly memory card change
4. Fixed changedisc feature
5. Support for SBI subchannel files
6. Support for PBP disc images
7. Cheat codes support

Downloadnya disini
Via Mediafire
Via Ziddu

File-file di atas sudah lengkap dengan BIOS dan Pluginsnya. Jadi ga usah ribet2 lagi :)

Bisa menonton video tutorialnya / ikuti petunjuk dibawah

Maaf kalau kualitas videonya kurang bagus.. seadanya aja, kalau high resolusi ya ngelag patah patah gitu hehe :D


Configurasi ePSXe 1.8

1. Pertama klik ini di folder ePSXe 1.8 yang tadi di download

2. Lalu pilih Config > Wizard Guide

3. Lalu pilih Config >>

4. *Configuring BIOS* Pilih BIOSnya yang scph1001 - USA [Recommended] tiga-tiganya juga bisa, tapi pilih yang recommended paling atas aja, seperti di gambar.
Lalu Next >>

5. *Configuring Video* Pada configuring video ini, tergantung jenis VGA card anda.
- Jika VGA card anda Nvidia GeForce, Pilih yang Pete OpenGL
- Jika VGA card anda ATI Radeon, Pilih yang Pete D3D
- Jika VGA card anda bukan Nvidia GeForce / ATI Radeon, Pilih salah satu diantara 4 itu. atau pake seperti saya pakai "Pete's OpenGL Driver 1.77"
Lalu Next >>

6. *Configuring Sound* Pilih yang ePSXe SPU core 1.8.0.
Lalu Next >>

7. *Configuring CDRom* Pilih yang ePSXe CDR WNT /W2K core 1.7.0.
Lalu Next >>

8. *Configuring Pads* Klik Controller 1, lalu ganti sesukamu tombol-tombolnya ( Gak usah di ganti juga gapapa )
Select : V Di ganti menjadi Select : A
Start : C Di ganti menjadi Start : B
Dan jangan lupa di ingat ya hahaha
Lalu klik OK dan Next >>

9. Done, Kita sudah menconfig semuanya. tinggal Step terakhir yaitu mendownload ISO / Kasetnya

Cara Memainkannya
1. Download gamenya terlebih dahulu
Via Emuparadise
Via Coolrom
Atau bisa cari di google lebih banyak dan komplit :)
2. Jika sudah, buka ePSXe nya lalu klik menu File > Run ISO ( Run ISO hanya untuk file yang bertipe .iso .img .bin .php .nrg dll ) kalau sudah, cari ISO yang di download tadi
3. Enjoy the game~

Bisa juga kalau kamu mempunyai kasetnya, tapi lebih baik dari downloadan / ISO
1. Masukan kaset ke Cdrom
2. Jika sudah, buka ePSXe lalu Klik menu File > Run CDRom
3. Enjoy the game~



- Jika kamu ingin mengesave game dengan cepat, kamu tinggal pencet 1 di atas qwerty. Jika kamu ingin mengloadnya kembali, kamu tinggal pencet 3 di atas qwerty

- Cara memperbanyak memory card
1. Memory Cards ada di folder 'memcards' ...\ePSXe 1.8\memcards
2. Rename epsxe000.mcr / epsxe001.mcr
epsxe000.mcr -> memorycards1.mcr 
*ingat format .mcr nya jangan di hapus dan epsxe dengan automatis dari sananya membuat lagi epsxe000.mcr / epsxe001.mcr di folder yang sama

- Cara memilih memory card yang kita mau
1.Buka epsxe nya
2. Pilih tab Config, lalu pilih Memory Cards
3. Enable tetap di ceklis
4. Select memory card yang agan mau lalu klik ok

- Cara melihat isi / savean memory card
1. Buka epsxe nya
2. Pilih tab File lalu pilih Run Bios
3. Kalau cara copy / paste / delete savean udah ngerti kan... kalo yang pernah main PS 1 pasti tau hehe :D

- Untuk menaktifkan / mengnonaktifkan full screen, pencet ALT + ENTER



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